Artist Spotlight: Dalia Ali

I was walking down Christian Quarter Road in the Old City of Jerusalem as I do at least once a week when I’m in the country.

 Dalia Ali: Dalia Ali: ” Where”

I was walking down Christian Quarter Road in the Old City of Jerusalem as I do at least once a week when I’m in the country. On my way to my favorite hookah café in the Christian Quarter, I came upon a new art gallery. I stepped inside and took a look around. This gallery was unlike the others. This was real art! Each piece unique and different. Not at all like the other shops in the souk all selling the same Chinese-made wares.

 Dalia Ali: Dalia Ali: ” Realising ”

I was excited! I headed straight to the back to examine a piece seeming to be saturated with oil paint. I asked the curator for information on the artist. She’s Jordanian, living in Amman. I couldn’t stop looking at the saturated colors. I needed to talk to the artist.

 Dalia Ali: Dalia Ali: ” Lady in Blue ”

Luckily, we live in a day and age where you can find anyone anywhere. Instagram was my first search, and I found her in two seconds.

 Dalia Ali: Dalia Ali: ” Red Cushion ”

Her feed was beautiful, and I right away sent a message to Dalia asking to interview her. She happily replied I was welcome to Amman to meet her. I love Jordan, and I spend many times a year in the airport, but I don’t often enter the country, I asked her if she was available to talk via Skype. She was, and I’m glad I made it happen.

 Dalia Ali: Dalia Ali: ” Looking Up ”

Dalia Ali has been painting since she was a child. Born in Kuwait, she studied architecture and received her Masters at MIT in the States. She only recently found the time to start painting seriously now that all her children are busy with school. She has been exhibiting her art since 2006 in cities like Ramallah, Amman, and Dubai.

 Dalia Ali: Dalia Ali: ” Missing You ”

She starts with the underlying fabric and crocheted items stuck to the canvas. After that, she layers newspaper and acrylic with a knife, for the texture.

 Dalia Ali: Dalia Ali: ” What Now ”

She has collections spanning her visions of Jerusalem, the skyline of Amman, and my favorite which we feature here- women in the many moods.

 Dalia Ali: Dalia Ali: ” Ever After ”

The women are faceless so that anyone can see themselves in the art. She highlights the intensity of the emotions of every woman with her cultural background. She wants every woman to know they handle so much within their lives; they can do and accomplish anything they want to.

 Dalia Ali: Dalia Ali: ” All The Feelings Inside of Me ”

We wish Dalia all the luck in the world and continued inspiration.

Dalia Ali can be reached through her Instagram account @Daliaaliart.